A parked domain is a domain name that points to your main website on your hosting account. To give an example, if snapshosting.com is your main website, you can purchase the snapshosting.net and assign it as a parked domain so that if any web visitor were to type snapshosting.net they would see the same website as if they had typed snapshosting.com.
Parked domains are commonly used when:
You need a place to park a domain for which you do not have a website or hosting account.
You hold more than one domain that should lead to your primary domain
You have common misspellings of your domain name that you have registered
For more information on Parked Domain article, Please check our cPanel FAQ on how to create/delete Parked domain in cPanel.
Note Please do not create addon or subdomains for a parked domain Domain names cannot be parked until the nameservers on the domain registration are to set ours. It can take up to 48 hours for a Parked domain to show up on the web, or propagate.
Once your Parked Domain had expired, please sure to log into your cPanel to remove it. |